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  • Liuqing Yang

|Full Text: PDF (5732 KB) 5. IEEE Std 802.11-1997 Information Technologytelecommunications And Information exchange Between Systems-Local And Metropolitan Area Networks-specific Requirements-part 11: Wireless Lan Medium Access Control (MAC) And Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications IEEE Std 802.11-1997 Volume , Issue , Date: 18 November 1997, Pages: i-445 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (25764 KB) 6. IEEE 802.15.4: a developing standard for low-power low-costwireless personal area networks Gutierrez, J.A.; Naeve, M.; Callaway, E.; Bourgeois, M.; Mitter, V.; Heile, B. Network, IEEE Volume 15, Issue 5, Date: Sept.-Oct. 2001, Pages: 12-19 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1320 KB) 7. Performance evaluation of 32 kbits/s real-time and dual-directionvideo communication system for wireless channels Matoba, N.; Kondo, Y.; Ohtsuka, H.; Tanaka, T. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on Volume 11, Issue 5, Date: May 2001, Pages: 664-672 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (216 KB) 8. CBSA: content-based soft annotation for multimodal image retrieval using Bayes point machines Chang, E.; Kingshy Goh; Sychay, G.; Gang Wu Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on Volume 13, Issue 1, Date: Jan. 2003, Pages: 2638 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1298 KB) Top Articles 2 of 11 3/29/2005 1:30 PM 9. Electromigration-induced compressive stresses in encapsulatedthin-film conductors Hemmert, R.S.; Costa, M. Reliability Physics Symposium, 1991, 29th Annual Proceedings., International Volume , Issue , Date: 9-11 April 1991, Pages: 64-69 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (560 KB) 10. A novel universal battery charger for NiCd, NiMH, Li-ion and Li-polymer Lima, F.; Ramalho, J.N.; Tavares, D.; Duarte, J.; Albuquerque, C.; Marques, T.; Geraldes, A.; Casimiro, A.P.; Renkema, G.; Been, J.; Groeneveld, W. European Solid-State Circuits, 2003. ESSCIRC apos;03. Conference on Volume , Issue , Date: 16-18 Sept. 2003, Pages: 209212 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (499 KB)|Full Text: PDF (499 KB) 11. IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems IEEE Std 802.16-2004 (Revision of IEEE Std 802.16-2001) Volume , Issue , Date: 2004, Pages: 0_1857 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (6002 KB) 12. An ultrawideband CMOS low-noise amplifier for 3.1-10.6-GHz wireless receivers Bevilacqua, A.; Niknejad, A.M. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 22592268 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (888 KB) 13. N-parameter retrievals from L-band microwave observations acquired over a variety of crop fields Parde, M.; Wigneron, J.-P.; Waldteufel, P.; Kerr, Y.H.; Chanzy, A.; Sobjaerg, S.S.; Skou, N. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Volume 42, Issue 6, Date: June 2004, Pages: 11681178 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (440 KB) 14. Ultra-wideband communications: an idea whose time has come Liuqing Yang; Giannakis, G.B. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Volume 21, Issue 6, Date: Nov. 2004, Pages: 2654 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (3282 KB) 15. A 3-10-GHz low-noise amplifier with wideband LC-ladder matching network Ismail, A.; Abidi, A.A. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 22692277 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (792 KB) 16. A single-chip dual-band tri-mode CMOS transceiver for IEEE 802.11a/b/g wireless LAN Zargari, M.; Terrovitis, M.; Jen, S.H.-M.; Kaczynski, B.J.; MeeLan Lee; Mack, M.P.; Mehta, S.S.; Mendis, S.; Onodera, K.; Samavati, H.; Si, W.W.; Singh, K.; Tabatabaei, A.; Weber, D.; Su, D.K.; Wooley, B.A. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 22392249 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1496 KB) 17. A single-chip CMOS transceiver for 802.11a/b/g wireless LANs Ahola, R.; Aktas, A.; Wilson, J.; Rao, K.R.; Jonsson, F.; Hyyrylainen, I.; Brolin, A.; Hakala, T.; Friman, A.; Makiniemi, T.; Hanze, J.; Sanden, M.; Wallner, D.; Yuxin Guo; Lagerstam, T.; Noguer, L.; Knuuttila, T.; Olofsson, P.; Ismail, M. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 22502258 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1328 KB) 18. Antenna switch duplexer for dualband phone (GSM/DCS) using LTCCmultilayer technology Watanbe, T.; Furutani, K.; Nakajima, N.; Mandai, H. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1999 IEEE MTT-S International Volume 1, Issue , Date: 13-19 June 1999, Pages: 215-218 vol.1 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (240 KB) Top Articles 3 of 11 3/29/2005 1:30 PM 19. A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications inspeech recognition Rabiner, L.R. Proceedings of the IEEE Volume 77, Issue 2, Date: Feb. 1989, Pages: 257-286 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (2272 KB) 20. A 14-b 12-MS/s CMOS pipeline ADC with over 100-dB SFDR Yun Chiu; Gray, P.R.; Nikolic, B. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 21392151 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1040 KB) 21. /spl Sigma/High-frequency LC VCO design using capacitive degeneration Byunghoo Jung; Harjani, R. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 23592370 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (768 KB) 22. A direct-conversion CMOS transceiver for the 802.11a/b/g WLAN standard utilizing a Cartesian feedback transmitter Perraud, L.; Recouly, M.; Pinatel, C.; Sornin, N.; Bonnot, J.-L.; Benoist, F.; Massei, M.; Gibrat, O. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 22262238 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1624 KB) 23. Broadband MIMO-OFDM wireless communications Stuber, G.L.; Barry, J.R.; McLaughlin, S.W.; Ye Li; Ingram, M.A.; Pratt, T.G. Proceedings of the IEEE Volume 92, Issue 2, Date: Feb 2004, Pages: 271294 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1200 KB) 24. Automatic recalibration of an active structured light vision system Li, Y.F.; Chen, S.Y. Robotics and Automation, IEEE Transactions on Volume 19, Issue 2, Date: April 2003, Pages: 259268 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (819 KB) 25. A method for dynamics identification for haptic display of the operating feel in virtual environments Li, Y.F.; Bi, D. Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Volume 8, Issue 4, Date: Dec. 2003, Pages: 476482 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (719 KB) 26. Numerical simulation of SAR and B1-field inhomogeneityof shielded RF coils loaded with the human head Ji Chen; Zhaomei Feng; Jian-Ming Jin Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Volume 45, Issue 5, Date: May 1998, Pages: 650-659 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (348 KB)|Full Text: PDF (348 KB) 27. A digitally enhanced 1.8-V 15-bit 40-MSample/s CMOS pipelined ADC Siragusa, E.; Galton, I. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 21262138 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1472 KB) 28. Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE polar loop transmitter Sowlati, T.; Rozenblit, D.; Pullela, R.; Damgaard, M.; McCarthy, E.; Dongsoo Koh; Ripley, D.; Balteanu, F.; Gheorghe, I. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 21792189 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1808 KB) Top Articles 4 of 11 3/29/2005 1:30 PM 29. 40-Gb/s amplifier and ESD protection circuit in 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOS technology Galal, S.; Razavi, B. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 23892396 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1480 KB) 30. A 1.8-V 1.6-GSample/s 8-b self-calibrating folding ADC with 7.26 ENOB at Nyquist frequency Taft, R.C.; Menkus, C.A.; Tursi, M.R.; Hidri, O.; Pons, V. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 21072115 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1064 KB) 31. Cellphones linked to brain tumors Predd, P.P. Spectrum, IEEE Volume 41, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 2022 Full Text: PDF (431 KB) 32. A 13-b 1.1-MHz oversampled DAC with semidigital reconstruction filtering Francese, P.A.; Ferrat, P.; Qiuting Huang Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 20982106 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (896 KB) 33. IEEE standard for information technologytelecommunications and information exchange between systemslocal and metropolitan area networksspecific requirements Part II: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications IEEE Std 802.11g-2003 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edn. (Reaff 2003) as amended by IEEE Stds 802.11a-1999, 802.11b-1999, 802.11b-1999/Cor 1-2001, and 802.11d-2001) Volume , Issue , Date: 2003, Pages: i67 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1754 KB)|Full Text: PDF (1754 KB) 34. LDPC block and convolutional codes based on circulant matrices Tanner, R.M.; Sridhara, D.; Sridharan, A.; Fuja, T.E.; Costello, D.J., Jr. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on Volume 50, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 29662984 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1088 KB) 35. Optimal control technique for magnet design in inside-out nuclearmagnetic resonance Luong, B.; Goswami, J.C.; Sezginer, A.; Davies, D. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on Volume 37, Issue 2, Date: March 2001, Pages: 1015-1023 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (268 KB) 36. A simple transmit diversity technique for wireless communications Alamouti, S.M. Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on Volume 16, Issue 8, Date: Oct. 1998, Pages: 1451-1458 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (224 KB) 37. Patent prescription: a radical cure for the ailing [US patent policy] Jaffe, A.B.; Lerner, J. Spectrum, IEEE Volume 41, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 3843 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (5318 KB) 38. Network mobility and protocol interoperability in ad hoc networks DaSilva, L.A.; Midkiff, S.F.; Park, J.S.; Hadjichristofi, G.C.; Davis, N.J.; Phanse, K.S.; Tao Lin Communications Magazine, IEEE Volume 42, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2004, Pages: 8896 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (323 KB) Top Articles 5 of 11 3/29/2005 1:30 PM 39. New wideband/dualband CMOS LC voltage-controlled oscillator Do, M.A.; Zhao, R.Y.; Yeo, K.S.; Ma, J.G. Circuits, Devices and Systems, IEE Proceedings [see also IEE Proceedings GCircuits, Devices and Systems] Volume 150, Issue 5, Date: 6 Oct. 2003, Pages: 453-9Abstract |Full Text: PDF (330 KB) 40. A 21-mW 8-b 125-MSample/s ADC in 0.09-mm/sup 2/ 0.13-/spl mu/m CMOS Mulder, J.; Ward, C.M.; Chi-Hung Lin; Kruse, D.; Westra, J.R.; Lugthart, M.; Arslan, E.; van de Plassche, R.J.; Bult, K.; van der Goes, F.M.L. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 21162125 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (920 KB) 41. Calculation of SAR and B1-field within human headexcited by MRI birdcage coils Chen, J.; Jin, J.m. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1997. IEEE., 1997 Digest Volume 2, Issue , Date: 13-18 July 1997, Pages: 1210-1213 vol.2 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (216 KB)|Full Text: PDF (216 KB) 42. Introduction to the Special Issue on the ISSCC2004 Roovers, R.L.J.; Behzad, A.R.; Gutnik, V.; Polla, D. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 20952097 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (520 KB) 43. Achieving wireless broadband with WiMax Vaughan-Nichols, S.J. Computer Volume 37, Issue 6, Date: June 2004, Pages: 1013 Full Text: PDF (336 KB) 44. Retrospective correction of intensity inhomogeneities in MRI Meyer, C.R.; Bland, P.H.; Pipe, J. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Volume 14, Issue 1, Date: March 1995, Pages: 36-41 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (576 KB) 45. Mobility support in IP: a survey of related protocols Saha, D.; Mukherjee, A.; Misra, I.S.; Chakraborty, M.; Subhash, N. Network, IEEE Volume 18, Issue 6, Date: Nov.-Dec. 2004, Pages: 3440 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (265 KB) 46. An overview of MIMO communications a key to gigabit wireless PAULRAJ, A.J.; GORE, D.A.; NABAR, R.U.; BOLCSKEI, H. Proceedings of the IEEE Volume 92, Issue 2, Date: Feb 2004, Pages: 198218 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (880 KB) 47. SiteCity: a semi-automated site modelling system Yuan Hsieh Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1996. Proceedings CVPR apos;96, 1996 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Volume , Issue , Date: 18-20 June 1996, Pages: 499-506 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1604 KB) 48. Design of a multiband OFDM system for realistic UWB channel environments Batra, A.; Balakrishnan, J.; Aiello, G.R.; Foerster, J.R.; Dabak, A. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Volume 52, Issue 9, Date: Sept. 2004, Pages: 21232138 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (840 KB) Top Articles 6 of 11 3/29/2005 1:30 PM 49. All-digital TX frequency synthesizer and discrete-time receiver for Bluetooth radio in 130-nm CMOS Staszewski, R.B.; Muhammad, K.; Leipold, D.; Chih-Ming Hung; Yo-Chuol Ho; Wallberg, J.L.; Fernando, C.; Maggio, K.; Staszewski, R.; Jung, T.; Jinseok Koh; John, S.; Irene Yuanying Deng; Sarda, V.; Moreira-Tamayo, O.; Mayega, V.; Katz, R.; Friedman, O.; Eliezer, O.E.; de-Obaldia, E.; Balsara, P.T. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 22782291 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1480 KB)|Full Text: PDF (1480 KB) 50. A quad-band GSM-GPRS transmitter with digital auto-calibration See Taur Lee; Sher Jiun Fang; Allstot, D.J.; Bellaouar, A.; Fridi, A.R.; Fontaine, P.A. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 22002214 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1288 KB) 51. Space-time codes for high data rate wireless communication:performance criterion and code construction Tarokh, V.; Seshadri, N.; Calderbank, A.R. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on Volume 44, Issue 2, Date: March 1998, Pages: 744-765 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (772 KB) 52. A polar modulator transmitter for GSM/EDGE Elliott, M.R.; Montalvo, T.; Jeffries, B.P.; Murden, F.; Strange, J.; Hill, A.; Nandipaku, S.; Harrebek, J. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 21902199 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1288 KB) 53. A cascaded continuous-time /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ Modulator with 67-dB dynamic range in 10-MHz bandwidth Breems, L.J.; Rutten, R.; Wetzker, G. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 39, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 21522160 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1400 KB) 54. IEEE Standard for Information technologyTelecommunications and information exchange between systemsLocal and metropolitan area networksSpecific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications Amendment 6: Medium Access Control (MAC) Security Enhancements IEEE Std 802.11i-2004 Volume , Issue , Date: 2004, Pages: 0_1175 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (2342 KB)|Full Text: PDF (2342 KB) 55. IEEE Communications Magazine Table of

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